Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Really Humid Here

It's great to be home. The cooking is amazing (although I have absolutely nothing but praise for Delia's cooking) and sleeping in my own bed isn't too bad either. I got some york pizza the minute I got off the plane at LaGuardia. Probs the greatest meal ever. Then mom and dad took me out for a great meal in Chinatown. Probs the second greatest meal of all time.

So I've been home for 3 days now and the weather is really different from Montana's. I feel like I can take a bite out of the air whenever I run. But, I kind of like it. There's something really satisfying about getting ridiculously sweaty and I just never got that feeling in the past 10 weeks.

As for the altitude training, I'm sad that I won't be benefitting from the perfect situation of the ranch but boy does it feel easy running here. I feel like I'm floating. Interestingly, I somehow gained 6-7 pounds during the internship. I thought that running as much as I did would control my weight but I guess not hahaha.

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