Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Really Humid Here

It's great to be home. The cooking is amazing (although I have absolutely nothing but praise for Delia's cooking) and sleeping in my own bed isn't too bad either. I got some york pizza the minute I got off the plane at LaGuardia. Probs the greatest meal ever. Then mom and dad took me out for a great meal in Chinatown. Probs the second greatest meal of all time.

So I've been home for 3 days now and the weather is really different from Montana's. I feel like I can take a bite out of the air whenever I run. But, I kind of like it. There's something really satisfying about getting ridiculously sweaty and I just never got that feeling in the past 10 weeks.

As for the altitude training, I'm sad that I won't be benefitting from the perfect situation of the ranch but boy does it feel easy running here. I feel like I'm floating. Interestingly, I somehow gained 6-7 pounds during the internship. I thought that running as much as I did would control my weight but I guess not hahaha.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Going Home

My Montana journey is sadly coming to an end. I'm currently waiting in the Missoula Airport for my 1:30 flight to Denver, where I will then get on another plan to LaGuardia.

It's bitter sweet feeling leaving this place but that's for another time. I will be sure to do plenty of reminiscing once I'm home.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Day of Outdoor Duty

It's taken long enough but I'm finally done with outdoor duty here at the ranch. I had the pleasure of staining the treehouse with Pete today. It was pretty sweet. Unfortunately, we did the lower level first and when we did the upper level, the stain dripped all over the freshly painted lower floor. Not the most even job but we got it done.

The various outdoor work I've done at the ranch:
splitting wood
deck staining
manure shoveling
burn pile watering
fence repair
plumbing/pipe repair
horse grooming

It's been a great time.

Monday, August 2, 2010


There is no such thing as the sophomore slump - only coincidence along with an opportunity to surprise.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rest is Training

There's comes a time in every runner's training he knows that rest is the next logical step in training. For me, it is the most difficult thing that I've ever had to admit to myself. The question of whether or not another week of increased intensity will be beneficial is an ominous cloud that waits to rain injury upon greedy runners. The only protection that can serve as an umbrella from this storm is patience. Patience Patience Patience! We must all accept that rest is a part of training. Only then will the barrage of question marks that stem from the possibility of pushing the hurt a little more, redlining for another week, will be abolished.

Keeping this in mind, I'm ready for a down week. Train smart guys.

Friday, July 30, 2010

To Bonfire Or Not To Bonfire

Twelve of the interns are leaving tomorrow morning and everybody is out at a bonfire. I contemplated going but decided not to. I didn't get much sleep last night since the championship volleyball team went out to Pburg to celebrate with a victory dinner. We got back pretty late, thus making my morning run a lot tougher than it should've been.

So, now I'm by myself in the lodge elevating my legs, getting ready for a long run tomorrow morning. Sounds terrible I know, but it's really not since the internet is ridiculously fast now that nobody's here.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Less Than 2 Weeks To Go

I only have 9 days left in Montana. I'm sad that it's coming to an end but I'm definitely ready to go home. That being said, there's still 9 days left to slam...